In this video, Bentinho's friend and colleague Anurag stresses the importance of maximizing efficiency by knowing exactly what you're excited to work on. How you show up reflects whether or not you actually care about the opportunity before you. It closes with a discussion about being sourceful, or knowing where you are coming from whenever you make a choice.
Up Next in Bentinho Massaro Sessions
Living an Aligned Life Based on Your ...
In this video, Anurag and Bentinho explain that in order to create an aligned team, each individual must first align to their calling. Your calling is your home frequency; it's what makes you feel most alive. Imagine designing a life where you bring your calling into everything you do. If you pri...
Becoming Constituted in Alignment
Bentinho’s friend and colleague, Anurag Gupta, does a workshop with Bentinho’s team, reminding them of the importance of "showing up" prepared. Intention must be self-generated; one should not expect it to be generated for them. There is a distinction between the principles of working with a team...
The 7 Densities: Balancing 4th and 5t...
In this video, Bentinho points to the imbalances of 4th and 5th density commensurate behaviors and addresses the importance of balancing love and wisdom. To transcend 4th density commensurate behavior, the aim is to incorporate the wisdom that is innate to the 5th density frequency; to balance ou...
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