Divine Love and Wisdom - Boulder Retreat 2016

Divine Love and Wisdom - Boulder Retreat 2016

In this 3-day intensive, Bentinho dives deeply into the vibratory state of unconditional love, which comes with a transcendent, cosmic wisdom. This is something we all have access to if only we are willing to awaken these frequencies within our consciousness. Bentinho radiates these vibrations while using words and instructions to point you to an experiential realization of a truly magnificent divine bliss, love and wisdom within yourself.

Sessions include Bentinho’s discourses followed by intimate Q&A sessions, silent transmissions and guided meditations with Peter James on guitar.

December 2016, Boulder Colorado

To download the audio files, simply click on the last thumbnail and the audio download will start immediately. Once downloaded, double-click the audio zip file to unpack it.

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Divine Love and Wisdom - Boulder Retreat 2016