Meditations on Self-Actualization
Here you will find a playlist of guided meditations and techniques for your Self-Actualization practice.
On the browse page you will also find meditation and techniques playlists for Self-Realization and The Absolute.
Receive Guidance From Your Higher Self Meditation
In this meditation, Bentinho guides you into connecting with and receiving guidance from your Higher Self.
The meditation begins by visualizing the heart expanding into a field of love surrounding your entire being. The energy of this field enables you to more easily shift the mind from specifi...
Quantum Acceptance Meditation
This meditation took place during the Yucatán Retreat in 2021. Bentinho offers that it is most effective to practice the recognition that everything is already accepted the way that it is, with or without your approval or preferences. There is nothing that is known outside of your Beingness or I ...
Remember How You Fulfilled Your Destiny
In this meditation and imagination exercise, Bentinho suggests to start by tuning in to the timeless place of I-Am, and from there viewing your entire incarnation as a movie. You have a destiny; a sense of potential that you desire to allow to come through into your experience. You can picture 20...
Imagineer Your Life (Manifestation Tool) - Phoenix Series (1-10) - Bentinho Massaro
Become a Manifestation Powerhouse - Phoenix Series (5-10) - Bentinho Massaro
Achieving Overflowing Abundance (Guided Meditation) - Phoenix Series (2-10) - Bentinho Massaro
Super Accelerated Living - Phoenix Series (3-10) - Bentinho Massaro
Guided Meditation for Anxiety & Depression
Meditation - Forgive Yourself, Forgive Humanity
Mt Madonna Guided Meditation Session 22
Meditation - Become a Manifestation Powerhouse (2)
Be Your Preference Meditation - Bentinho Massaro
Meditation - Part IV of The Fall And Rise of Our Civilization
Meditation - How to Achieve Perfect Health
The Ultimate Guided Meditation- Empower Yourself - Bentinho Massaro
Guided Meditation: How Powerful Would You Be?
Meditation - The Adept's Focus - Become One with Anything You Desire
Healing of Planet Earth Guided Meditation - Bentinho Massaro
Meditation - Part III of The Fall and Rise of Our Civilization
Meditation - The Ultimate Guided Meditation - Empower Yourself
Meditation - Eye of the Hurricane Session 4 - Bentinho Massaro