Sedona Weekend Retreat - May 2017
“How to Realize Endless Bliss”
This 2-day weekend event served as an excellent introduction for the Sedona area locals, allowing this community to become familiar with Bentinho and his teachings. This event followed the 5-day Sedona Endless Bliss retreat, held the week before in Sedona.
Topics covered include:
How to Realize Endless Bliss? Is it possible? Can anyone realize this?
Is it worth the effort/practice/commitment? What do I have to know to achieve this?
Do I truly want to realize endless bliss?
What's most important in my life, and why? What illusions am I holding on to that are causing me subtle or gross suffering?
How am I distracting myself unnecessarily from realizing endless bliss? How can I optimize my life to support my absorption into endless bliss? What are the benefits of becoming endlessly blissful?
What will my practical life look like when I absorb myself in endless bliss? How will my relationship to others change?
How, precisely, can I realize endless bliss?
These are the questions Bentinho will answer using clear pointers and practical approaches.
This weekend retreat is both a fresh start for those new to Bentinho's Self-Realization path, as well as a deepening for those already familiar with how he has taught this path in past years. He has changed his emphasis, as well as some of the wording, to tailor his teachings to the adept who truly wants to attain the bliss of Realization described above.
May 6-7 2017, Sedona, Arizona
To download the audio files, simply click on the last thumbnail and the audio download will start immediately. Once downloaded, double-click the audio zip file to unpack it.
Session 1 - Sedona Weekend Retreat
Session 2 - Sedona Weekend Retreat
Session 3 - Sedona Weekend Retreat
Session 4 - Sedona Weekend Retreat
Audio of the Sedona Weekend
589 MB
Click here to download the audio! The download will start automatically after you've clicked. Double click the .zip file to unzip the file.