The Bliss Over Matter Hawaii retreat 2018

The Bliss Over Matter Hawaii retreat 2018

“Bliss over Matter - Transmuting the World”

Watching this event is an opportunity to be in direct contact with mind-shattering Bliss and to be immersed in the field of Self-Realization, which powerfully catalyzes you to see your true Universal Self. This vision of your Universal Self/Awareness comes with a limitless type of Bliss, and does not depend on 'what's the matter' in your life. It transcends your entire world.

By immersing yourself in the transcendent Bliss of Being more fully than you presently perhaps imagine you can, you will train yourself in gaining first-hand experience with the Bliss beyond space, time, location and body: Bliss over Matter.

The effects of training yourself in Bliss over Matter are indescribable. Not only can an unshakable freedom become yours forever (secretly it already is), but your circumstantial life of this illusion will collapse around your new frequency of abundant freedom in the form of joyous synchronicities and 'manifestations' galore. They will show up spontaneously without you feeling like you're really doing anything to create them. Magical Manifesting.

You will be guided to experience what it's like to have the best extreme of both worlds. Infinite Bliss of the inward focus (the God-Self), resulting in effortless flow in the outside focus (the world, synchronicity).

"Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven, and everything else shall be added unto you."
— Mr. J. Christ

When you realize Bliss and make it constant, you have achieved 100% faith, which means you are 100% equal to the entire Creation. You have become aligned with God-Consciousness. 100% faith means ALL of Creation is now You, and so the flow of transmutation of the world can happen through your vessel, without any illusion or pain of ego in the way.

When we truly stop giving a damn about any outcome--which is only truly possible if we replace the pleasure we believe positive outcome gives us with the ever-available Bliss of our Transcendent Self--Creation suddenly starts working 'for us' without any effort on our part.

The more we let go of Creation's manifestation, the more Creation's manifestation will knock on our door. In truth, all that has happened once we replace our attachment for relief with direct immersion in Universal Bliss, is that we got out of the way of a perfectly intelligent illusion that already creates itself beautifully.

We have to merely get out of the way and attune to Bliss. Then we train ourselves in this until we get really natural at knowing and enjoying our Infinite Self in all circumstances. Then magical manifestation is enabled through us, and we will effortlessly transmute the world.

Maui, Hawaii April 8 - 13 2018

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The Bliss Over Matter Hawaii retreat 2018