5-Week Definitive Enlightenment Study Course
What inspired this course:
While many amazing beings study these teachings and come to my retreats, only a percentage of them have truly anchored in the realization of Perfect Awareness to a degree that it gives them permanent peace, liberation and clarity—beyond the distractions of the personal bubble.
With the arrival of my Empowerment-based teachings a few years after I had already been pointing to Enlightenment, students started expanding into being the powerful creators they are when focused in alignment with their Higher Selves.
However, I sense that many are overlooking—and perhaps undervaluing—-the benefits and importance of the Enlightenment teachings, and so I desire to host a series of intimate, online discourses, where I will explain clearly—and point directly to—-the Direct Realization of the Greater Self.
It is my wish that this course becomes the definitive (as in: all you really need) platform for triggering a balanced-yet-rapid realization of Enlightenment, which liberates you once and for all.
I will go into great detail on the most important aspects of the Path of Enlightenment, yet consistently bring you back to the experiential nature of cultivating one simple trigger: In each moment to identify with Perfect Awareness, rather than the appearances arising within it, until all confusion and resistance is resolved in the abiding presence of an ever-luminous bliss.
November 2016, Boulder Colorado
To download the audio files, simply click on the last thumbnail and the audio download will start immediately. Once downloaded, double-click the audio zip file to unpack it.
Session 1 - Enlightenment Study Course
Check-In Video 1 - Enlightenment Study Course
Session 2 - Enlightenment Study Course
Check-In Video 2 - Enlightenment Study Course
Session 3 - Enlightenment Study Course with Ryan D. Brown
Check In Video 3 - Enlightenment Study Course
Session 4 - Enlightenment Study Course
Session 5 - Enlightenment Study Course
Enlightenment Study Course - Audio.zip
923 MB