A woman in Bentinho’s No Limits Society (NLS) program asks a question during a weekly NLS session. She is upset that she is going through a difficult emotional process while she is on holiday. Bentinho advises her to not be so hard on herself, and shows her how to not be so affected by her emotional pattern.
In the actuality of the here and now, is it true that your patterns determine your focus? Are your patterns aware of you or are you aware of your patterns? Who is the boss here? Be aware when you are attributing power to a pattern. You, as free will, determine where your focus goes. Even when it appears that your pattern is in charge of your choices, your life, your energy flow and how you feel, this only appears to be happening because of where you are placing your focus.
To take back your power doesn’t mean to change anything “out there.” To take back your power simply means to remember your focus. By stepping into this remembrance, you can then redirect your focus because you’ve freed yourself up from the object of attention. When you’re so focused on the object of attention, whether it’s a pattern or a memory or an idea, you forget yourself and you think the object of attention has power over you. When you remember your focus / yourself, at least for that moment, the object of attention disappears. What remains is the stable sense of I-Am and the free will to choose where you place your focus.
Up Next in Harnessing Your Will
Keeping Your Eye On The Ball: A Team ...
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