This video segment from The Honor Retreat discusses the importance of honorable communication. Bentinho Massaro and Anurag Gupta encourage listeners to practice being present, honoring themselves and others through the way they communicate. They emphasize that changing the way you communicate is actually a gateway to personal transformation, since the way you communicate is a revealing factor of your level of awareness and presence. True change means that your new level of communication has become your new baseline, and is no longer context-dependent. Objectively examine your motivations for saying what you say, and be radically honest in what causes you to speak the words you speak. Honesty is essential for transforming your communication patterns and purifying where you are coming from.
To dive deeper into these teachings and to learn more about the Honor Retreat recordings, click here:
Up Next in Harnessing Your Will
Choose Honor over Feelings
This video is an excerpt of a longer Q&A, where Bentinho Massaro answers a question from a No Limits Society member. In this clip, Bentinho speaks about the importance of choosing honor over feelings when making decisions. He suggests that when you experience turbulent, murky emotions, you can ch...
How To Find Stability in Your True Self
In this video, Bentinho Massaro answers a follow up question from a No Limits Society member on the topic of unsafety.
You can find the first Q&A video here: speaks about the freedom of finding true conviction and realization by not defining oneself based on exper...
Fearlessness, the State of Your True ...
In this video, a member from No Limits Society asks Bentinho a question around the topic of unsafety. Bentinho discusses the concept of unsafety, how it relates to the ego or “gremlin” and how the idea of unsafety exists only inside of its own frequency domain.
He explains how our need for safe...