Las Vegas Luxury Retreat Nov 2019 (audio only)

Las Vegas Luxury Retreat Nov 2019 (audio only)

In November of 2019, Bentinho hosted an exclusive, private retreat in Las Vegas, Nevada. The small group of participants, who were from the US, Canada and Europe, were inquisitive and open, often sharing deeply personal material as a means to recognize and transform their “stuck points.”

This recording set is a great way to experience how Bentinho interacts with participants on a one-to-one basis, which is only possible in a small group setting. The personal themes discussed are applicable to just about everyone, and the transcendent transmissions from Bentinho are timelessly accessible to all.

Annie Hart, long-time friend of Bentinho and also a Team member, offered daily guided meditation sessions to the group. These powerful sessions are also included in this recording set.

The retreat includes:
6 sessions with Bentinho - talks, guided meditations and Q&A sessions
4 sessions with Annie Hart - guided meditations

This event is audio-only, but you can stream it as video with a background image. To download the audio files, simply click on the last thumbnail and the audio download will start immediately. Once downloaded, double-click the audio zip file to unpack it.

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Las Vegas Luxury Retreat Nov 2019 (audio only)