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No Limits Society Sessions • 3m 58s

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  • What is the Difference between Indulg...

    In this video, Bentinho Massaro discusses the distinction between indulging in a victim story and holding space for a wounded or rejected part of one's consciousness.

    Indulging involves being swayed into new beliefs and feelings about one's story, while holding space does not create any new feel...

  • How To Access The Flow State

    Clarity is crucial for accessing the flow state, as it brings attention to our connection to our Higher Self.

    In this video on accessing the flow state, Bentinho Massaro emphasizes the importance of embracing both positive and negative experiences. It is only when we accept and feel free from th...

  • Enjoy Your Self Meditation

    In this "Enjoy Your Self" meditation, Bentinho Massaro emphasizes the importance of letting go of troubling thoughts and connecting with a higher power, in order to find peace and liberation. Highlighting the significance of being grateful for existence and continuously letting go of false belief...

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