No Limits Society Community Call with Mark & Cory
No Limits Society Sessions
In addition to Bentinho hosting live sessions with No Limits Society members, his team also facilitates calls that are intended for connection and integration of the teachings.
These are highlights taken from a recent session with Cory and Mark, in which they share their experiences of being in the team and how the teachings affected their path, followed by a Q&A section. This is an example of the weekly live sessions that happen in NLS.
Up Next in No Limits Society Sessions
Free Yourself From The Illusion Of Time
DISCLAIMER: To honor the privacy of the No Limits Society member featured, this video only contains the questioner’s audio.
During a live Q&A, a No Limits Society member shares with Bentinho that she doesn’t feel she has enough time in life to create and enjoy all the things she wants. This perce... -
Experience Yourself as Multidimension...
What if we didn't experience time as a limitation? What if we could access our desired state simultaneously alongside our current physical reality? This is what gives us access to parallel realities.
During a recent live session with No Limits Society, the questioner expressed frustration with a ... -
Experience Oneness: A 10-Minute Guide...
In this simple but effective 10-minute meditation, Bentinho guides us to directly experience everything as Oneness.
"If you practice this daily for a little while, you will develop a tangible spiritual sensation of Indivisibility, of Oneness, of Unity. It will give you a sense of freedom and a k...