Invest in the Stock Market of Awakening: 2-5 Seconds For The Rest of Your Life
In this YouTube video, Bentinho Massaro explains a refreshing approach to the 2-5 second practice that inspires us to commit to activating a deeper earnestness and consistency with the practice. He also explains how sporadic moments of recognition do not allow for enough carryover or compounding effects to occur, which are the effects that lead to freedom from the gravitational forces of Maya or the illusion. He suggests investing in spiritual practice with high frequency, even if just for 2-5 seconds, 2-5 times an hour. This close proximity of moments of recognition allows for the previous attempts to build upon each other, leading to greater results. Additionally, he suggests incorporating moments of recognition into your daily routine, particularly upon waking up and before going to bed.
Bentinho goes on to emphasize that this practice must be done sincerely; without getting caught up in dreams, fantasies, or spiritual distractions. But, he also emphasizes the simplicity of it—that by dedicating just 1% of our time to this practice, we can already break free from the illusion. This small fraction of time spent in stopping imaginal activities and recognizing the divine essence of “I-Am”, will lead to spiritual abundance and clarity.
By consistently applying these techniques, we navigate around our existing patterns and distractions, leading to a profound impact on our state of being. Over time our identity will naturally shift, and we begin to recognize that the very Awareness looking through our eyes, is the same essence as the Source of all existence.
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