Deconstructing Beliefs
Dive into the most effective ways to excavate and transmute that which governs your life from behind the scenes - beliefs. There’s nothing else in the way of the infinite flow of power and joy except that which you, at some point, assumed about the nature of every single experience in your life. Working with your deepest lack beliefs is one of the fastest routes to realizing the unbounded nature of your true being as pure Free Will.
Invest in the Stock Market of Awakening: 2-5 Seconds For The Rest of Your Life
In this YouTube video, Bentinho Massaro explains a refreshing approach to the 2-5 second practice that inspires us to commit to activating a deeper earnestness and consistency with the practice. He also explains how sporadic moments of recognition do not allow for enough carryover or compounding ...
What is the Difference between Indulging and Holding Space?
In this video, Bentinho Massaro discusses the distinction between indulging in a victim story and holding space for a wounded or rejected part of one's consciousness.
Indulging involves being swayed into new beliefs and feelings about one's story, while holding space does not create any new feel...
How To Access The Flow State
Clarity is crucial for accessing the flow state, as it brings attention to our connection to our Higher Self.
In this video on accessing the flow state, Bentinho Massaro emphasizes the importance of embracing both positive and negative experiences. It is only when we accept and feel free from th...
Artificial Intelligence & Spirituality
This is a Q&A between Bentinho Massaro and a No Limits Society member about artificial intelligence.
In this video, Bentinho explains that AI does not have an independent intelligence but rather serves as a conduit or vehicle for intelligence to flow through; that the true intelligence originate...
Fearlessness, the State of Your True Self
In this video, a member from No Limits Society asks Bentinho a question around the topic of unsafety. Bentinho discusses the concept of unsafety, how it relates to the ego or “gremlin” and how the idea of unsafety exists only inside of its own frequency domain.
He explains how our need for safe...
Align to Your Higher Purpose and Live in True Confidence
This clip discusses how to stay confident in the face of fear and uncertainty. During a recent No Limits Society session, a member shares her desire to increase self-trust and confidence, and to focus on executing the mission, free of distractions. Bentinho replies that, although fear may seem li...
Experience Yourself as Multidimensional and Timeless
What if we didn't experience time as a limitation? What if we could access our desired state simultaneously alongside our current physical reality? This is what gives us access to parallel realities.
During a recent live session with No Limits Society, the questioner expressed frustration with a ... -
Discover the Root of Your Negative Beliefs
Since recently a new version of an ancient assignment has streamed into the ethers for those who have the eyes to see and the hearts to listen.
“They shall be drawn together from all over as if by magnetic filaments tugging repeatedly at their hearts. They will be inspired away from their famili...
The Map Of Deliberate Creating
In this video, Bentinho takes you through a schematic / overview that maps out the different stages of the manifestation process, in order to assist you in experientially tuning into “deliberate creatorship” versus what he calls “victim consuming."
The entire non-physical universe consists of an...
Your Beliefs Determine Your Reality
In this clip from the NLS Wednesday sessions, Bentinho responds to a questioner's doubts around living true to her highest vision. He explains how "a lack of faith, leads to a lack of vision" and a belief that there's no other way to get the results you desire.
When you up your alignment to your...
The Direct Path to Dissolving Assumptions
Bentinho presents the most direct way to deconstruct concepts - go to the place of your direct experience prior to assuming the thing you are investigating, such as "time." You can then bring this same consciousness to any topic and obtain freedom from what used to occupy your consciousness.
Free Yourself From Any Pattern
A woman in Bentinho’s No Limits Society (NLS) program asks a question during a weekly NLS session. She is upset that she is going through a difficult emotional process while she is on holiday. Bentinho advises her to not be so hard on herself, and shows her how to not be so affected by her emotio...
Self-Discipline: Try This Playful Approach
A woman in Bentinho’ No Limits Society program talks about how she has a history of being overly self-disciplined and hard on herself, and that this no longer resonates for her. She asks Bentinho for guidance on how to develop a more aligned sense of self-discipline—when it’s appropriate to push ...
How to Co-Create with Your Higher Self
How much of our life is a game that we are actively playing and creating in the moment, and how much of our life is predetermined by our Higher Self? This question was asked by a No Limits Society Member during a live session, where members regularly get the opportunity to have their questions an...
Why You Don't Have to Meditate to Find God
A No Limits Society member asks Bentinho to clarify how being on the vertical spiritual path relates to Self-realization.
Bentinho points at deconstructing and letting go of our sense of space, time and location as that has nothing to do with God. It’s all part of the illusion and is made up in ...
Reconsider What Reality Is
In this video, Bentinho explains the process of Self Realization. By going back and retracing your steps of delusion through investigation, discernment and inquiry, you can see through your self-identification with form. You realize that you are not your changing states. You realize that even whe...