The Eye of the Vortex Sedona Retreat
14 items
“Transcend Circumstances through Intoxication with the Infinite Intelligence of Bliss”
Description by Bentinho: Last year, my Sedona Retreat was titled Eye of the Hurricane. That retreat addressed the circumstantial changes that await us in these times of rapid change and transparency/disclosure...
One-Day Event in Los Angels - October 1, 2017
4 items
“God Realization: Liberation from the Sense of Separation”
“The I AM with a center is the individual soul. The I AM without any center or ego is God, or: I-I.” This is one of a series of one-day events Bentinho held in Los Angeles, California in 2017.
October 1, 2017 Los Angeles, California
One-Day Event in Los Angeles - August 27, 2017
4 items
“God Realization: Liberation from the Sense of Separation”
“The I AM with a center is the individual soul. The I AM without any center or ego is God, or: I-I.” This is one of a series of one-day events Bentinho held in Los Angeles, California in 2017.
August 27, 2017 Los Angeles, California
2-Day Weekend Intensive Asheville, NC 2017
6 items
Be in presence with Bentinho and soak in the realization of The One Infinite Beingness and its Absolute Source. Through silent transmission, dialogue, Q&A, and direct immersion in your True Self, Bentinho guides you into an effortless awakening to the profound, formless, location-free bliss of yo...
The Lion's Gate Luxury Retreat
11 items
“The Rise of Shepherding Consciousness”
A powerful, intimate, 4-day luxury retreat on the Lion's Gate — the Egyptian New Year — and the Harmonic Convergence, guided by Bentinho Massaro and Jocelyn Daher.
Key topics covered in this retreat:
How to attain, balance and empower Shepherding Consci...
One-Day Event in Los Angels - July 13, 2017
4 items
“God Realization: Liberation from the Sense of Separation”
“The I AM with a center is the individual soul. The I AM without any center or ego is God, or: I-I.” This is one of a series of one-day events Bentinho held in Los Angeles, California in 2017.
July 13 2017 Los Angeles, California
To do...
Netherlands 6-Day Retreat 2017
23 items
"Realize and Actualize"
Meditation, Self-Realization & Transformation. Discover the fastest way to bliss and realize indescribable freedom and ONEness. Experience yourself as free beyond your body, thinking and the world.
Topics include: sexual energy transfer and the nature of attraction betw...
Bentinho's Self-Realization School
24 items
This includes all four seasons (23 sessions) of Bentinho’s Self-Realization School. These sessions took place on a weekly basis in Sedona, Arizona in 2017.
Bentinho’s intention for the Self-Realization School series was to create a container where Self-Realization, and its consequent Self-Empow...
Sedona Endless Bliss Retreat 2017
12 items
This 5-day retreat was held in Sedona, Arizona, shortly after Bentinho moved there in 2017.
Topics covered include:
How to Realize Endless Bliss? Is it possible? Can anyone realize this?
Is it worth the effort/practice/commitment? What do I have to know to achieve this?
Do I truly want to re...
Sedona Weekend Retreat - May 2017
5 items
“How to Realize Endless Bliss”
This 2-day weekend event served as an excellent introduction for the Sedona area locals, allowing this community to become familiar with Bentinho and his teachings. This event followed the 5-day Sedona Endless Bliss retreat, held the week before in Sedona.
St. Thomas Retreat 2017
20 items
This retreat will connect the dots, revealing a new type of unified spirituality–one that is lead by those at the cutting-edge of an awakening humanity. We, who are already awake and empowered, will come together in this blissful retreat setting–with the ocean as our great nourisher and the Sun a...
Divine Love and Wisdom - Boulder Retreat 2016
5 items
In this 3-day intensive, Bentinho dives deeply into the vibratory state of unconditional love, which comes with a transcendent, cosmic wisdom. This is something we all have access to if only we are willing to awaken these frequencies within our consciousness. Bentinho radiates these vibrations wh...
5-Week Definitive Enlightenment Study Course
9 items
What inspired this course:
While many amazing beings study these teachings and come to my retreats, only a percentage of them have truly anchored in the realization of Perfect Awareness to a degree that it gives them permanent peace, liberation and clarity—beyond the distractions of the personal...
Sedona Retreat 2016 - The Eye of the Hurricane
16 items
"Become a Vibrational Anchor for the New Earth"
Become the clear, silent, knowing, radiating clarity that is the eye of the Hurricane. Embrace the fact that you are meant to be a cutting-edge leader who provides a haven of love, light and solutions at a time in which great transformation causes...
Del Mar Retreat 2016
5 items
Bringing Spirituality into the 21st Century
In this event Bentinho demystifies the ancient practice of Enlightenment, offers you the master keys to altering your reality, and inspires you to become a part of the leading-edge of conscious creators who will pave the way for a global shift into hig...
Bentinho Academy Q&A's
5 items
These four videos are online seminars Bentinho gave to members of Trinfinity Academy in January and February of 2016. Sessions revolve around questions asked by participants and answers given by Bentinho.
January-February 2016, various locations
To download the audio files, simply click on t...
Academy Online Workshops
5 items
These six videos are workshops given by Ryan Brown, a former member of Bentinho’s team. The purpose of these workshops were to clarify some of the concepts in Trinfinity Academy.
2016, online
These videos are free for subscribers as well as non-subscribers. To download the audio files, simply ...
Let Go of your Past and Excel into your Future
5 items
“Let Go of Your Past and Excel Into Your Future”
In honor of his birthday in 2016, Bentinho gave a 2-day retreat in Boulder, Colorado. This was an "ask Bentinho anything" retreat that gave lots of room for questions and answers. In addition, Bentinho gave an updated view of planet Earth and its...
Maui Bliss Retreat - 2016
14 items
Bentinho + Hawaii—need we say more?
Bliss is what you will learn to see, feel and become during this retreat. Bentinho becomes the embodiment of the frequency of divine bliss, and most of his teachings during this event are aimed at getting you beyond your mind’s limited constructs and into an u...
Achieving Happiness And Manifesting Bliss
4 items
Bentinho discusses many different topics during this retreat. One of the topics that was raised is the effect of non-dual embodiment when one has significant trauma in their history. Here is a quote by Bentinho on this topic from one of the sessions:
"People are afraid of their traumas because t...
Manifesting From Oneness - Oahu Workshop
3 items
This is a one-day event Bentinho gave in Oahu, Hawaii in February 2016.
February 2016, Oahu Hawaii
To download the audio files, simply click on the last thumbnail and the audio download will start immediately. Once downloaded, double-click the audio zip file to unpack it.
Valentine's Day Webinar
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This is a one-day webinar Bentinho gave the day before Valentine’s Day in 2016. His talk was centered around how to create and attract satisfying partnerships, and how to take them deeper once they have arrived. Bentinho points out in this talk that the most important foundation of a good partner...
Amsterdam Retreat 2016
7 items
Inevitable Success & Rapid Acceleration
Many of you will catch yourselves this next year spontaneously sighing and completely relaxing, as if having achieved victory after a 10-year long battle, and saying: “Finally, what I have desired for so long is now truly here.”
It’s like we are entering ...
Mount Madonna Retreat 2015
23 items
“Amassing Free Will through Perfecting Balance”
In this deeply devotional and advanced retreat, Bentinho focuses on how to achieve higher levels of free will by balancing love and wisdom through service-to-others oriented opportunities–while at the same time, attracting the life of your dreams a...